Site to be used to post Clays Seniors section news about Seniors kitty Competitions and news of interest to the Seniors section at Clays Golf Club, near Wrexham. If any member wishes for news to be posted and or photos please contact Derek at
29 August, 2023
Individual Stableford etc August 29th 2023. Report via Mike Healey
I have just arrived back from Holywell, where the home team arranged an Am/Am competition rather than an inter club match. There were some very good scores on show and the winners from Clays point of view were Paul Wallace-Jones and Mike Hollings. I know their partners, who are no slouches when it comes to golf, but they declared that all four contributed to the final score of 89 points. The two course meal went down well and all in all, the Holywell members were very sociable on the day. We had a touch of rain early doors but apart from light winds, conditions were fine. Thank you once again for a good day out Malcolm.
While we were abroad in Holywell, Don organised an Individual Stableford on home turf. I believe Wrexham had more rain than us up in the hills, as it rained for the best part of the morning. The stableford went down as a qualifier and some countback was required with the following results:
Individual Stableford Results:
First: Andy Mitchell - 40 points
Second: Dave (Mole) Jones - 38 points
Third: Chris Blazdell - 36 points (c/b)
Fourth: John Kelty - 36 points (c/b)
Fifth: Dave Palferman - 33 points
My thanks go to Don for today's organisation and report. I am also attaching the September calendar with two notable dates - Don informs me that ground maintenance begins next week, so we are postponing the September medal until Thursday 21st September - check your entries and availability. On Tuesday 26th September we are holding our second "Not Quite the Ryder Cup" event. For those members who didn't play last year, a Welsh team will take on the Rest of the World for some mediocre prizes and a lot of stick and banter. A sign up sheet will apppear on the noticeboard for this competition and captains will be announced soon.
25 August, 2023
Seniors D J Bogey August 24th 2023. Report from Mike Healey
There was a slight delay in posting the results for yesterday's competition because of card verification. Bogey is a format loved by some but not necessarily all, yet 43 members still entered. Once again, we all got away on time and the threeball composition seems to work for timing around the course. The weather was warm with benign conditions, although there was not much run on the ball after all the rain we have had. Alan Barnsdale and Dave A Jones both recorded 2's on the fifth hole and share the ballsweep money. Congratulations to them. The top three were as follows but the full result can be seen on ig:
D.J.Bogie Result:
First: Stewart Poole - +6
Second: Stuart Leyland - +5
Third: Stefan Coghlan - +3
Only four other players recorded plus scores - difficult format!
Captains Newsletter August 2023
Captain's Newsletter: August 2023
Another month has passed and we are now entering the final weeks of the Honours Board competition season. August has been a particularly busy month and the course is in amazing condition considering some of the unseasonal weather we have had this passed month.
The Toilet project is undergoing negotiations with Mr and Mrs Lewis, but I’m pleased to inform you that the new benches are now on the course situated on 6th, 9th and 15th tees.
Captains charity day was held on the 12th of August, and was a great success. We were extremely lucky with the weather again. Thanks to my wife Dawn for sorting the registration once again and helping to get the day off to a great start; to Patrick for setting up the gazebo and the refreshments and to Joanna and Lucy for selling tickets and handing out refreshments with Dawn during the day.
A massive thanks to all the players who took part on the day, also thanks to everyone who donated raffle prizes, bought tickets and gave donations for the refreshments on the course. The day raised in excess £1000 for the Wales Air Ambulance Trust. Thanks to Mark and the green keeping staff on presenting the course in fantastic condition, thanks also to Hayley and the bar staff for their excellent service once again.
Well done to: .
Mike Hollings on winning County Captains day at Wrexham
Matthew Nicholas on winning on Presidents Day
Clive Davies and David Palferman on winning senior’s open with Alan Bottomley and Mike Carnell taking 2nd place
Clays DGU team, and to captain Patrick on picking a winning team gaining a wonderful 7 – 1 victory over Old Colwyn
Craig Yarwood and his team for winning on charity Day and Patrick McHugh’s team for coming second.
Coming up:
Saturday August 26th - Neil Harden Memorial Trophy
Tuesday August 29th - Seniors match V Holywell (A)
September 2nd and 3rd - Honours Board Finals weekend
Sunday 24th September - DGU Autumm Meeting
JCB draw has been made please check on IG for the details
The Jubilee Plate next round has been made so please keep an eye on the notice board for further details.
Ladies report
Once again it has been a busy month of golf in the Ladies Section. The Honours Board Knockout Competitions are reaching the final stages with just one semi -final still to play.
We wish the best of luck to all those who are have reached the Finals, amongst those playing are Shan Stapley and Christine Evans v Jayne Gibson and Angela Thomas Williams in the Ladies Betterball, Jayne Gibson and Mike D Jones v Jane Evans and Graham Davidson Clarke in the mixed foursomes and in the Aber Rose Bowl, Jayne Gibson v Jane Evans or Christine Evans.
At our Club Championship weekend we congratulated the winner of the best gross score, Angela Thomas Williams and Jayne Gibson in winning the Harcombe Trophy with the best nett score.
Our Charity Day to support North Wales Air Ambulance Service was a huge success and we were delighted that Debra Syma from the organisation joined us for the start of the event and she will be joining us again at The Captains Last Supper in March. Together with the 72 hole golf marathon organised by Angela Thomas Williams a significant amount of money has been raised. Our thanks to everyone who supported these events.
The series of NWLCSA matches concluded at Denbigh earlier in the month. Whilst it was a very close match, the team missed out on the final hole in a number of the matches. Our final position in the Division is yet to be announced.
The Lady Captain’s Away day was a great success at Upton by Chester Golf Club. Twelve ladies were able to join the day and we received a very warm welcome from everyone at The Club. We enjoyed playing a tricky course with some interesting challenges, in a format of individual and team competitions, nearest the pin in one on a Par 3 and nearest the pin in 2 on a par 4, had good weather and enjoyed a relaxed meal afterwards in the Clubhouse.
Following the success of the Ladies Open, I am pleased that a number of entrants from other Clubs who played have expressed interest in taking part in the Competition again next year. An article reviewing the day and recognising Joan’s Hole in One at Clays Golf Club is to be published in the September/October edition of The Golfers local paper.
In late July, The Fan Jones Trophy was won by Debbie Scott. Forthcoming competitions still to look forward to include The Welsh Dragon Brooch, a Tri match against Llanymynech and Mile End and our final Honours Board Competition, The Allington Hughes Salver which will conclude our Section season of competitions. An annual exchange day with Denbigh is scheduled on 29th August and we will be welcoming 31 ladies back to Clays for a return visit on August 30th.
Jane Evans and Bev Hood have been successful in reaching the final 16 of The Daily Mail Foursomes competition and are scheduled to play Greenmount Golf Club in their next round, I wish them continued success. In the Purves Cup, Jane and myself are through to the finals to be played at Abergele at the beginning of October.
Plans for the golfing season into the coming months are being made in which we hope to include more weekly kitty competitions and of course dare I say our ‘tinsel trail’ in November.
Thank you once again to everyone at The Club for their continued support,
Sue Falcus
(Lady Captain)
And finally from me…
On the 28th of July, Angela Thomas-Williams joined me in completing a 72 hole marathon in aid of this year’s Captains’ charity the Wales Air Ambulance Trust. Lady Captain Sue Falcus completed the first two rounds and Jack Whitehouse completed the final two rounds with us, and Vice Captain Patrick Mchugh joined us on the first round. We are extremely grateful for your generosity in sponsoring us, helping to raise £1,061 to date.
Please be aware as it’s getting very busy out on the course over the next few months, please avoid slow play.
I know all our members consistently use the 3 R’s: Rake, Repair and Replace. Can I ask all members to be vigilant and report any players not adhering to course etiquette to Josh at reception, as it is most frustrating for you all to have your games unnecessarily spoilt by this. We have discussed at council the possibility of giving out a simple course etiquette leaflet to guests as they register to play. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or other ideas to help with this issue.
And most of all enjoy your golf!
Kind Regards,
Michael McHugh
(Club Captain)
22 August, 2023
Seniors 9x3 plus 9x2 August 22nd 2023. Report via Mike Healey
Seniors - what can I say? A Mickey Mouse head cover displayed on a broken golf club shaft, I took to be a jokey welcome back. Ego far too big - it was being displayed for somebody who had left it on the course. Obviously not missed one iota!! Well I am back and apart from today's results there are other results to catch up with. Today 30 seniors appeared for a "9x3" plus "9x2" - perfect numbers. 10 x threeballs set forth into quite blustery conditons, which I am told had some effect on shots. Not so for Alan Barnsdale and Nigel Davies - they both split the winnings in the ballsweep by shooting 2's on the 5th and 12th chronologically. The main competition provided three prizes in total, where there was quite a divide from bottom card to top but the prizewinners were close at the end.
"9 x 3" plus "9 x 2" Result
First: Chris Roseblade, Peter Taylor and Alan Bottomley - 95 points
Second: Peter Frazer, Graham Wright and Irwin Elkin - 92 points
Third: Andy Mitchell, Alan Barnsdale and Chris Blazdell - 88 points
18 August, 2023
Clays Seniors Open August 17th 2023
52 Pairs participated in this Open, Betterball Stableford competition yesterday, with the winners as follows:
1st Place – 42 points, Clive Davies and David Palferman, both Clays Golf.
2nd Place - 40 points, on countback, Alan Bottomley and Mike Carnell, both Clays Golf.
3rd Place – 40 points, on countback, Steve Parker and David Baker, both Antrobus Golf Club.
Other Prizes:
Nearest the Pin 12th Hole – Clive Davies, Clays Golf.
Nearest the 18th in 2 shots, Visitors only – Mike Eaton, Douglas Park Golf Club.
Nearest the line 10th Hole, Men and Ladies – Nev Bassett, Clays Golf.
Nearest the Pin 5th Hole, Ladies only – No winner.
16 August, 2023
Pryors Hayes results from Brian Beaton August 15th 2023
I have had a short email from Pryors Hayes.
With their great 45 points Andrew Mitchell and Ernie Williams finished in 3rd place overall. First place was won with 46 points. Full details will be on the Pryors Hayes website in due course.
Well done both. Vouchers are being posted out to me and I will pass them on asap.
In the kitty competition today after another "lucky " day with the weather.
First Andrew Mitchell and Ernie Williams 45 points.
Second Mick Carnell and Jon Falcus 44 points.
Third Tony Harcombe and Stuart Leyland 42 points on countback.
Fourth Tom Pierce and Sean Mccarthy 42 points.
Also, Alan Barnsdale recorded a 2 with a great putt on the ? hole. Sorry Alan, I can't remember the hole but it was a pleasure to watch.
15 August, 2023
Individual Stableford August 15th 2023. Report via Malcolm Williams
26 Senior Members competed this morning in an Individual Stableford format. This was a good turn-out considering there were also a number competing in the Priors Hayes Seniors Open.
Results:- 1st:- George Hughes – 42pts. 2nd:- Peter Taylor – 38pts. 3rd:- Wyn Jenkins – 38pts. 4th:- John Kelty – 35pts. 5th:- Chris Blazdell – 34pts.
DGU County Captains Day August 6th 2023. Results from Alan Pocklington
The results for the DGU County Captains Day are now available on the DGU Website. The event was held at Wrexham Golf Club on Sunday 6th August. It was a glorious day both weather wise and for the entrants from Clays Golf.
Star of the show was Mike Hollings who won the County Captains Day Stableford Championship with 45 points.
Tom Pierce was Senior Stableford Champion with 41 points.
Iwan Bonds gained runner up spot in the Senior Gross Category with 75 gross.
Congratulations to all 3 of them on their brilliant performances. My thanks also to all Clays entrants who made the long trek (!) across the road to give it a go.
Next up is the DGU Autumn Meeting to be held at LLangollen on Sunday 24th September. The details and sign up sheet are on the noticeboard in the Foyer. Lets see if Clays can win that one as well!
Alan Pocklington
Competitions Secretary
10 August, 2023
Rhos on Sea Open August 8th 2023 results courtesy on Brian Beaton
Unfortunately Stewart Poole had to withdraw at the last minute due to illness. Get well soon Stewart.
We were unable to find a replacement but the club did provide one of their members (Phil O'Brien) as a substitute partner for Vic Rogerson.
The weather was excellent. Most of us had not played the course before and it involves some interesting challenges including water and greens with lots of variation. Everything was in great condition for golf.
Another well attended day with 30 players in our group and another good result.
First place went to members of Rhos on Sea with 46 points.
Second place Vic Rogerson and his partner from the home club with 46 points (countback on back 9).
There were then many scores in the 40' s, mainly home club players, with our next pair being Mike Drake and Peter Bowen with 41 points but not in the prizes.
The full results are on the Rhos on Sea GC website.
In our kitty competition the results were,
1st Vic Rogerson and Phil O'Brien with 46 points
2nd Mike Drake and Peter Bowen 41 points
3rd Don Wraight and Jon Falcus 40 points (countback)
4th Andrew Mitchell and Ernie Williams 40 points.
Both Tony Harcombe and Andrew Mitchell recorded 2's and have vouchers of £8.52 each at the pro's shop.
Dave Fergus won the nearest the line competition and has a voucher for £25 waiting.
08 August, 2023
Individual Stableford August 8th 2023 from Mike Healey and Bob Brown
Today's result comes courtesy of Bob Brown. 20 seniors played an Individual Stableford kitty comp today at Clays. (30 members were playing away at the Rhos on Sea Senior Open.)
Three prizes were given out as below;
1st with 36 points was Les Williams.
2nd with 33 points was Peter Fraser.
3rd with 32 points was Tom Blackshaw.
03 August, 2023
August 3rd 2023 Medal and other news via Mike Healey
The August calendar came with a warning that there was lots of golf for us to choose. Brian Beaton entered 32 members in the Senior Open at Aldersey Green - Wednesday 2nd August and although we are still waiting on overall final results we had a good showing on the day. It is a tough track with plenty of water hazards to be aware of but the majority of our pairs coped well. Quite a few turned up with all their wet gear but it proved to be quite a warm, sunny day. We had several members winning with two's in the ballsweep but they have not been named for this report - Brian will follow up. For our own comp, the following pairs were successful:
First: Jonathan Falcus and Dave Palferman - 45 points.
Second: Tom Pierce and Les Williams - 42 points
I am told that the above two scores are amongst the winners from Aldersey but it has to be confirmed. Four pairs carded 35 points and countback was applied. Inevitably there are winners and losers - Nev Bassett / Dave Fergus and Mike Drake/Rodney Evans just missed out.
Third: Ernie Williams and Mick Carnell - 35 points (c/b)
Fourth: John Hellowell and Stuart Miles - 35 points (c/b)
August Senior Medal - Thursday 3rd August
The weathermen got it wrong again. The early starters arrived and prepared in quite a downpour, followed by a relatively heavy shower just after 9.00 but then the jackets came off and stayed off for the duration. Similar to Tuesday, the ball did not seem to fly and a distinct lack of bounce hindered some of the scoring today. There were 2 x two's recorded: John Kelty and Gary Campbell - both on the fifth hole. Well done to them and well done to the three winners in each division..
Division 1:
First: Paul Wallace-Jones (nett 67) Second: Chris Jacques (nett 69) Third: Richard Collier (nett 73 c/b) Alan Bottomley also carded (nett 73)
Division 2:
First: Reg Peacock (nett 73) Second: Mick Carnell (nett 74) Third: Sean McCarthy (nett 76)
Division 3:
First: Les Wiliams (nett 70) Second: Mike Drake (nett75) Third: Peter Fraser (nett 76 c/b) Stephen Graham also carded (nett 76)
01 August, 2023
3 Ball 2 scores to count plus request for Seniors Open prizes. Report from Mike Healey
Seniors - Messages first: Chris Jacques gave a follow up appeal for donations of prizes for our Senior Open on 17th August. There will be a box in reception or give any prizes to Mike Holllings, who continues to work hard for the cause. Remember we benefit from any profits made from this particular raffle. You received a calendar yesterday and I'm afraid there was an error. I do not know how many are playing on President's Day but it is taking place on Saturday 19th August and not on Saturday 26th August as advertised. I have adjusted the date on the noticeboard - kindly adjust your own.
Today's Result - Threeball - 2 to Count. It was advertised as a Pairs Betterball initially but numbers were wrong, so we set forth in threeballs and once again, it proved to be better with the timing. Everybody seemed to arrive back at the clubhouse in good time, presentations were made and all got away early. Although overcast, it remained warm throughout but scores not brilliant. The greens have been in excellent condition but 2 days of rain made progress up the fairways harder than normal, thus reducing points scores, with the exception of one group. There were three prizes in total:
Threeball - 2 to Count:
First: Jon Falcus, Alan Barnsdale and Peter Thomas - 85 points
Second: Ernie Williams, Chris Blazdell and Ian Ketland - 75 points
Third: Reg Peacock, Mike Scott and Colin Evans - 70 points (c/b) (2 other groups carded 70 points but missed out on countback)
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