31 January, 2023

Winter League round 3 January 31st 2023. Report via Mike Healey

Seniors - Another good day for Winter League golf. The course is drying very nicely and the greens are definitely faster than last week. The forecast was showers but it turned out to be more of a fine spray on the breeze, to the effect that no rain gear was produced at all. The wind had more of a chill factor but did not significantly affect the play. 36 members went into the draw and you know the routine - the top 10 cards received Winter League points, with the top 7 picking up kitty comp cash prizes. Reminder - February Medal this week (Thursday 2nd), Winter League Round 4 next week (Tuesday 7th) and then there is a break before Round 5. Today's competition has produced some very good cards/scores but you needed 33 points or above to get any league points. Winter League - Round 3 First: Mick Carnell 40 points (10 WL pts) Second: Dave A Jones 39 points (9 WL pts) Third: Reg Peacock 38 points (c/b) (8 WL pts) Fourth: Ernie Williams 38 points (c/b) (7 WL pts) Fifth: Graham Wright 37 points (6 WL pts) Sixth: Wyn Jenkins 35 points (c/b) (5 WL pts) Seventh: Bary Dare 35 points (c/b) (4 WL pts) Eighth: Alan Barnsdale 35 points (c/b) (3 WL pts) Ninth: Graham Bryne 34 points (2 WL pts) Tenth: Richard Collier 33 points (c/b) (1 WL pt) Colin Brown also had 33 points but missed out on countback.

26 January, 2023

Winter league round 2 January 26th 2023. Report via Mike Healey

We finally got a round in! All snow and ice has been cleared around the course and there has been some good work completed by the groundstaff on hedges and clearance of fallen trees. There were only 13 holes open for the 29 seniors who turned up - but it was probably an ideal course length after the relatively long lay-off. As expected, the greens were a little slow after all the snow that had been on them. The cloudy weather and a bitter wind did not deter any of the participants. Today was the second Round of the Winter League and Round 3 is now scheduled for next Tuesday (31st). Just a reminder - the top ten scores pick up league points 1 - 10 and as usual, numbers dictate kitty comp prize money with the top six picking up cash prizes today. See WL Result below: Winter League - Round 2 First: Peter Lord 29 points (c/b) (10 WL pts) Second: Ernie Williams 29 points (c/b) (9 WL pts) Third: Graham Wright 29 points (c/b) (8 WL pts) Fourth: Damian Atkin 28 points (7 WL pts) Fifth: Alan Barnsdale 27 points (c/b) (6 WL pts) Sixth: Gareth Thomas 27 points (c/b) (5 WL pts) Seventh: Liam Roddis 26 points (c/b) (4 WL pts) Eighth: Wynn Jenkins 26 points (c/b) (3 WL pts) Ninth: Peter Taylor 25 points (c/b) (2 WL pts) Tenth: Les Williams 25 points (c/b) (1 WL pt) Nigel Davies, Graham Bryne and Mike Hollings also carded 25 points but missed out on countback.

24 January, 2023

Putting Competition January 24th 2023. Report and news and photos courtesy of Don Wraight - Mr Captain

anti domestic chore Seniors showed up today for an 18 hole putting competition in the studio. Making sure their wives were left alone to do what wives should do. All good fun with many a hole in ones and lots of treading on players lines. Hayley was on hand for all to have coffee and various breakfast baps or toasties. Result 1st Richard Collier 2nd Steve Monk after a 3 hole play off 3rd Peter Taylor
Fingers and anything else crossed for play on the course on Thursday. The green staff are working hard to get things back running for play. Remember to add your names on IG for the February medal. Tickets are available for the Captains’ last supper on the 24th March. A few are booking tables for the Seniors so get in quick.

19 January, 2023

Putting competition Thursday January 19th. Report and photos courtesy of Don Wraight - Captain

Phew what a grand effort for a brave 13 souls playing 18 holes on the indoor putting green. Some slow play was in evidence due to hold ups when players were crossing holes. Eveyone enjoyed the competition which was won by Tom Pierce with Richard Collier 2nd winning a play off with TomMcGrady. Hayley was on hand making coffees and various breakfast baps and sandwiches after and we all enjoyed the banter. Clays Seniors did it again

09 January, 2023

Captains Newsletter January 2023

Captain's Newsletter: January 2023 I hope you all had a great Christmas and wish you all the best in 2023. We start the New Year with an abundance of rain which has seen the course closed for long periods, a shame for all of us but necessary. During this period the green staff have been very busy indeed. The 7th hole has had a lot of bushes removed on the left hand side which gives the hole a better appearance. A big thank you goes to owner Bill Lewis on installing another gate on the left of the 3rd tee, enabling a safer entry from the 13th green to the 14th tee. I would encourage all members to use this gate. It had been noticed at the weekends, when the main gate was closed, that players entering the course were in danger from tee shots from the 3rd tee. Please DO NOT use the gate from the 4th to the 5th, there is a NO ENTRY sign to remind you and it’s your safety that is paramount. Our new proposed club competition organiser Alan Pocklington has been busy producing monthly posters to remind you of events and competitions, please look out for these on the noticeboard. The knock-out entry forms for both club and senior competitions will be available soon, something else to look out for and compete in. I hope you are all getting on with the Intelligent Golf system. With the 2023 calendar online you can now plan your year in advance. Entry to the various competitions that are on offer could not be any easier, just a press of a button on your mobile phone, tablet or computer whether you have the app or on the Clays website. This year we will be hoping to retain the DGU League Division 1 trophy and those wishing to participate in the team must look out for the entry sheet on the noticeboard, we will be competing against teams from Moss Valley, Abergele and Old Colwyn. The start of the main competition season commences on 1st April and prior to that will be the Club A.G.M. on the 25th March, where I hope members will be in attendance to welcome in your new Captains for the 2023 season. Until then on behalf of the Council we wish you all very good golf and a Happy New Year. Don Wraight Club Captain

05 January, 2023

Pairs betterball January 5th 2023.Report Mike Healy and Don Wraight

Once again, Don took over the morning tally draw and resolving of cards, for which I am in his debt. 23 members entered for our Pairs Betterball and I assume one person got two bites of the cherry. The overhead cloud was always threatening and most got away with it but some of the tail-enders caught some of the forecast rain. The course held up with only the 2nd hole being closed and the following results were recorded: Pairs Betterball: First: Mick Carnell & Bob Jarvis 43pts Second: Andy Mitchell & Peter Taylor 41pts Third: Stewart Poole & Peter Thomas 39pts Well done to all participants!! Tuesday 10th next week - Winter League (Round 2), Thursday 12th - January Medal

03 January, 2023

Seniors report Individual Stableford/courtesy of Mike Healey et al . January 3rd 2023

Seniors - A Happy New Year to you all!! I trust you all had a good festive season and after the inclement weather (possibly the odd drop of alcohol?), you are all ready once again to do battle on the golf course 2023. Can I start the report by thanking Don Wraight for overseeing the tally draw and resolving the cards at the end. Graham Bryne then delivered the cards to me, hence the ensuing report and results. I will be back as soon as possible. Today was scheduled in the calendar as a New Year Waltz but the numbers did not warrant the format. Ten stalwart seniors threw their tallies into the bag and although the forecast was not great, (a little rain experienced) it was not quite as bad as predicted. The second hole was closed and a decision was made to play through to hole fifteen (14 holes in total). The troops played out a straightforward Individual Stableford with the following conclusion: Individual Stableford: First: Mick Carnell (29 points) Second: Graham Bryne (27 points) c/b Third: Peter Taylor (27 points) c/b


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...