26 July, 2022

Waltz competition result July 26th 2002 from Mike Healey and Hawarden match result from Malcolm Williams

Another busy day in the senior calendar. Malcolm Williams took a team of sixteen players over to Harwarden for a senior match – report to follow from that one and other groups were out mopping up various rounds of club competitions. I am otherwise engaged currently and would like to extend my thanks to Peter Bowen and Tom McGrady for overseeing today’s competition, organising the tally draw, resolving cards and issuing prizes at the end of the golf. The weather was cooler but still warm and a little gusty. 26 members threw their hat in the ring and there were two competitions for a Waltz. Five fourballs (2 prizes) and two threeballs (1 prize) took part with the following result: Fourball Waltz Result: First: Peter Taylor, Liam Roddis, Pauline Peacock, Fred Court 98 points Second: Jon Falcus, Reg Peacock, Tony Jackson, Alan Pocklington 87 points Threeball Waltz Result: First: Mike Hollings, Peter Fraser, Bob Brown 76 points Hawarden match report from Malcolm We maintained our winning run in matches with a very close encounter at Hawarden.. The final result was only determined when the last game came in – all square! We won 4 and a half to 3 and a half. Once again, we received a very warm welcome from our hosts , the course was in excellent condition and we enjoyed a tasty 2 course meal afterwards.

22 July, 2022

Blog 10/7/2022. Nearest Point of relief. Golf rules and/or a local rule may allow a player to take relief from a condition on the course such as fixed objects and pathways. Consider only the “objective item” for which you may take relief, any other condition or object do not enter into the establishment of “Nearest Point of Relief”. I.e. if the nearest point of relief is in a hedge, the hedge will not change the identity/location for the nearest point of relief and further consideration involving penalty drop for an unplayable ball may be required. By definition nearest point of relief:- is the nearest position, not nearer to the hole in play, from its present position, the ball is required to be, that would remove the “objective item” from interfering with a players ball, stance or swing area. In the sketch, I have shown alternative positions to determine the nearest point of relief for a ball on the path at point “D”. For a right handed player, the option for Point “A” is always adjacent to the path no nearer the hole. To establish options on the other side of the path, take your stance next to the path with the club you would normally expect to use for your next shot, giving you a position between “B” and “C” depending on your club selection. Whichever of the three positions is closest to the ball position “D” is your nearest point of relief. Taking the same club, establish your relief area from point “A”,”B” or “C” as the appropriate nearest point of relief, measure one club-length and peg this point. Your relief area is a D shape area, one club radius from this point. The ball must be dropped, land and come to rest within this relief area.

21 July, 2022

9X3 and 9x2 result via Mike Healey July 21st 2022

Seniors - I am sure that a number of you will have been disappointed in the cancellation of the Two Day Challenge this week. As explained via e-mail, it was all done for the right reasons and because of the extreme weather conditions. It has already been moved to September, the sign up sheet has been placed on the noticeboard and all will receive details nearer the time. Twelve "brave or otherwise" members signed up on Tuesday and played in the early morning heat but only friendlies were played, so there are no competitions as such to report, Today we had the unusual situation of having 44 tallies on the board but only 43 names on the cards at the end. With a bit of ghost scoring we managed to complete 11 cards for today's competition "9 x 3" plus "9 x 2". The temperature had dropped considerably from Tuesday and with a slight breeze, conditions were great to play in. There were three team prizes in total with countback required for the last prize: "9 x 3" plus "9 x 2" Result: First: Les Williams, Peter Fraser, Reg Peacock, Steve Monk 115 points Second: Jane Evans, Gareth Thomas, Andy Mitchell, Keith Hawthorn 112 points Third: Alan Bottomley, Ian Ketland, Mike Drake, Peter Taylor 111 points (c/b) Reminder for diaries - We have always supported charity days in the past and donations are required for this year's event - Captain's Charity Day - Saturday 13th August. It would be good if we could support Don in anyway possible - raffle prizes, etc or even better, put your name down to play on the day.

20 July, 2022

Yellow ball July 12th 2022 and Stableford qualifier July 14th 2022

Yellowball: Tuesday July 12th 2022 First: Colin Evans, Mike Scott, Alan Pocklington, Jon Falcus 186 points Second: Dave Jones, Graham Bryne, Peter Thomas, Mick Carnell 181 points Stableford Qualifier Thursday 14th July 2022 1 Alan Pocklington 46 pts 2 Damian Atkin 40 pts 3 Barry Evans

15 July, 2022

Captains Newsletter July 2022 via Don Wraight.....Captain

Captains Newsletter: July 2022 Published on 13th July 2022 July sees the golfing season really under way and the course in fantastic conditions as is the golf that you all are playing I hope you are all enjoying. The DGU team after a narrow victory at Wrexham continued in great form by beating the Moss 7 / 1 and last weekend topping that victory by going to Old Colwyn and winning 5 ½ 2 ½. Anyone that has played Old Colwyn will know just how tough the course is and what a great victory it was. Team has now played 3 and won 3 with Denbigh visiting us on the 7th August our last league match. Good luck to the team and well done once more vice-captain Mick McHugh. Unfortunately at this moment we have no league table to see how the positions are but it looks pretty rosy. Ladies section is prospering with a draw at North Wales followed by wins at home against Llangollen and North Wales in the Challenge Shield. They are still active in the Daily Mail and Purves knockouts, great achievements. Former Lady Captain Angela Thompson-Williams will be doing a 72 hole marathon in aid of the Wales Air Ambulance in August, we wish her well and I hope you will all help in her sponsorship. Seniors have a match against Northop away on the 14th July a new venture and fixture, we wish they well and hope for a good result. The Ping mixed team had a great victory at Porthmadog golf club against Maesdu in horrendous conditions, all down to a winning putt on the last hole by Nigel Davies who kept his nerve in pouring rain and high winds. Next opponents are Abergele at Mold golf club in a couple of week, good luck at hopefully better conditions. Finally Captains Day was held last week in lovely sunshine and a nice breeze to keep everyone comfortable. Mark and his team presented the course in fabulous condition, I don’t recall it looking better, thanks lads oh and Molly. 83 players entered the competition which was a shotgun start, played at a nice pace. Scoring was very close with former Club Captain and Vice President Fred Court taking the men’s trophy with a great 41 pts pipping Nick Buley into second place on 39 pts. Lady’s trophy was won by Jacqueline Moxon with 39pts and Sue Falcus on 36pts. The Senior’s prize was won by Brian Beaton a good 39pts from runner up Barry Dare last year’s winner with 37 pts. There were prizes for nearest the pin for ladies on the 5th which Shirley Roberts won. Nearest the line wad actually plumb and won by Shan Stapley beating yours truly by millimetres. Darren Jones took the prize for nearest the pin in2 for men on the 18th. Big thanks to Haley who laid on sandwiches and chips for everyone after the game. It was fantastic to see so many enjoying the clubhouse and outside afterwards and attending the presentation. Let’s keep that atmosphere going please. Finally June and July ended and started with 3 losses to our membership. Keith Jones, Graham Stokes and former Captain and President Richard Key all passing, they will always be remembered by most I’m sure. Happy golfing and keep safe Don Wraight Club Captain

12 July, 2022

Yellowball Competition July 12th 2022. Results courtesy of Mike Healey

Well that was a surprise!! A glorious weekend behind us and a forecast to go through the roof ahead of us, the bulk of our members turned up in shorts. We were all non-plussed with the slow drizzle, which turned into persistent rain at one stage but the temperature gauge remained fairly high, so conditions were not too unpleasant. A perfect number (28 seniors put their tallies in) for a fourball Yellowball and two team prizes were the rewards for effort. As expected, the score of 180 points worked out as par - read on for the winning teams: Yellowball: First: Colin Evans, Mike Scott, Alan Pocklington, Jon Falcus 186 points Second: Dave Jones, Graham Bryne, Peter Thomas, Mick Carnell 181 points Ballsweep: 3 prizes: Jon Falcus (2 on 5th), Mick Carnell (2 on 5th), Dave Jones (2 on 9th - par 4) On Thursday this week, 16 members are going off to Northop for a Senior's match but there will be an Individual Stableford set up for the rest of you back at Clays. Peter is setting up the computer as a qualifier but give your cards to Mitch, who will be resolving results and giving out kitty comp winnings. Don has taken down the sign-up sheet for next week's Two-Day Challenge so that he can complete the draw. If you still wish to play you need to contact him urgently and two reminders: (1) It is £5.00 to enter but that covers the two days. (2) You must be available for both days!! Well done again to today's winners.

11 July, 2022

Captains Day and other results July 9th 2022 and July 5th 2022

Captains Day July 9 2022 1 Fred Court 41 pts. 2 Brian Beaton 39 pts 3 Nick Buley 39 pts Sunday Shop Stableford 10 July 2022 1 Darran Edwards 40 pts 2 Darren Jones 39 pts 3 Dylan Jones 38 pts SENIORS Tuesday July 5th 2022 Fourball - Four to Count: First: Graham Bryne, Mike Parks, Mike Scott, Keith Hawthorn 141 points Threeball - Three to Count: First: Jon Falcus, Stewart Poole, Mike Healey 111 points Second: Reg Peacock, John Kelty, Steve Graham 104 points Seniors Monthly Medal 7 July 2022 Div1 1 Jonathan Falcus 79-13=66 2 Alan Bottomley 85-18-67 3 Chris Jacques 77-9=68 Div 2 1 Pauline Peacock 90-24=66 2 Graham Bryne 90-24=66 3 Michael Carnell 90-22=68 Div 3 1George Hughes 93-29=64 2 Fred Court 101-33=68 3 Dave Fergus 96-28=68

05 July, 2022

3 and 4 ball all scores to count. July 5th 2022. Report via Mike Healey and photo via Don Wraight

It was great to see Peter Lynch and Colin Williams returning to the fold today. Neither of them have been able to play for quite a while but watch this space for future results.
Before today's report .... 34 tallies went into the draw this morning, so we played two competitions (6 x Threeballs and 4 x Fourballs - All to Count). There were no fewer than 3 x 2's scored in the ballsweep: Alan Barnsdale on the 2nd, Graham Bryne on the 5th and Tony Jackson on the 12th. It also happened to be a roll-over week so winnings in that field were good. We were expecting the possibility of isolated drizzle in patches but some fairly heavy showers ensued between 11.00 and 11.30am, which did affect some scores. For the main event there was 1 prize for the Fourballs and 2 prizes for the Threeballs: Fourball - Four to Count: First: Graham Bryne, Mike Parks, Mike Scott, Keith Hawthorn 141 points Threeball - Three to Count: First: Jon Falcus, Stewart Poole, Mike Healey 111 points Second: Reg Peacock, John Kelty, Steve Graham 104 points


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...