17 February, 2022

Multiplier February 17th 2022. Report from Mike Healey.

Before today's result, can I remind all that the sixth and final round of the Winter League will be played next week on Tuesday 22nd February. Today we kicked out the Mexican Scramble in favour of the cancelled Multiplier from Tuesday. Weather was always going to be a consideration and it was deemed better to keep moving rather than have members hanging around until it was their turn to fire a shot. As luck would have it, we dealt with some wind, with infrequent gusts but the temperature rose and conditions were not too bad at all. 24 members were in the draw and we played three ball to keep everything ticking along. It could have been the draw but there was a mixed bag of results ranging from the not so good to three very high scoring cards of note. Alas with these numbers there were only two prizes. See result below: Multiplier (Threeball): First: Andy Mitchell, Mick Carnell, Les Williams 82 points Second: Tom McGrady, Graham Bryne, Dave Jones 81 points Third: Barry Dare, George Hughes, Damian Atkin 79 points

11 February, 2022

9x3 plus 9x2 competition February 10th 2022. Report from Steve Monk via Mike Healey

Mike Healey sent his apologies for not being part of today's competition. Steve Monk conducted affairs admirably and my thanks again go out to him. Because there were 35 of you he applied a ghost player to make up all fourballs and it would appear that we might apply this in future. The course was good and although the weather was cool there was a fair amount of sunshine for today's play. Here are the results: "9 x 3" plus "9 x 2" Fourball Result 1st: Barry Evans, Alan Pocklington, Andrew Mitchell and Richard Collier with 114 points. 2nd: Stuart Leyland, Peter Taylor, Dave Jones and John Slater, with 112 points (countback, 48 on back 9). 3rd: Peter Bowen, Ken Tieszen, Tony Harcombe and Dave A Jones, with 112 points (countback, 46 on bac

09 February, 2022

Seniors Winter League round 5 February 8th 2022. Results from Mike Healey

Round 5 of the Senior Winter League saw some very good scoring today. The course held well after the weekend rain, all 18 holes were open and the greens, once again, were relatively quick for the start of the season. Early tining was taking place but that did not effect the scores and the weather held for us, with the mercury reaching a heady 13c. 34 members turned up for the draw and there were 6 prizes. So who produced the top scores? - read on for stableford points (league pts in brackets). Countback was required on certain scores. Winter League - Round 5 Result: First: Stewart Poole 46points (10pts) Second: Mick Carnell 43 points (9pts) Third: Andy Mitchell 42 points (8pts) Fourth: Peter Fraser 41 points (7pts) Fifth: Tom McGrady 40 points c/b (6pts) Sixth: Barry Dare 40 points c/b (5pts) Seventh: Dave Palfderman 40 points c/b (4pts) Eighth: Richard Collier 40 points c/b (3pts) Ninth: George Hughes 39 points (2pts) Tenth: Alan Barnsdale 37 points c/b (1pt)

04 February, 2022

Seniors Medal Thursday February 3rd 2022

Seniors Monthly Medal Thursday February 3rd: 2022 Div 1 First Ernie Williams 43 pts. Second Don Wraight 40 pts. Third David Palferman 40 pts. Div 2 First Michael Carnell 43 pts. Second Graham Bryne 41 pts Third Tom McGrady 37 pts Div 3 First Leslie Williams 43 pts Second Barry Dare 42 pts Third Brian Beaton 40 pts

01 February, 2022

Unknown pairs result via Mike Healey February 1st 2022

Another fine Winter's morning to do golfing business. The course held very well after two days of rain and the sunshine was most welcome after a cool start. The main winner of the day was the strong, gusty wind, which made the members think about some of their shots. There were good points scores handed in but somewhat reduced compared with previous weeks. 33 seniors made the draw so we played 11 x threeballs, which made for slightly faster progress around the course. Because of the odd number, 1 player had 2 chances with different partners and 4 prizes were up for grabs overall. Essentially we played an Individual Stableford but it was added to another score giving - Unknown Pairs. Unknown Pairs Result: First: Tom McGrady and Nigel Davies 74 points (Combined) Second: Peter Fraser and Graham Wright 73 points c/b (Combined) Third: Mal Williams and Alan Pocklington 73 points c/b (Combined) Fourth: Steve Monk and Graham Bryne 72 points (Combined)

Captains Newsletter January 2022

Captains Newsletter: January 2022 Published on 31st January 2022 Welcome to my first newsletter of 2022. It has been a fairly dry January in more ways than one! Who would have thought we would be playing 18 holes in January? I certainly cannot remember too many occasions when this happened over the past twenty odd years. I think you will all agree the course is looking really good at the moment. A reminder to all, out of respect for your fellow golfers, please repair divots on the fairways, pitch marks on the greens and rake the bunkers; it is really not that difficult! An exciting opportunity has arisen for a member, male or female, to join the club council as the competition secretary. The current position holder, Paul Lloyd, is aiming to spend some time cycling in Italy this summer. Paul has kindly agreed to assist in setting up the competitions for the coming season. Therefore, anyone who takes on this important role will be able to have a handover with Paul before he cycles off into the distance. Anyone interested in this position please contact Paul or myself to discuss the scope of the role. While the position of competition secretary is an important one, it also provides the post holder with an introduction into the workings of the club council. As a member of the club council you will be in a position to make a positive contribution to the future development of the members section. As mentioned in previous newsletters, the club council has been updating the club constitution. The final draft will hopefully be approved at the club council meeting in February. Once approved by council, the constitution will be published for members to view and make comments via the notice board and hopefully the club website. Details on how to submit comments or questions will be circulated at this time. The removal of the majority of Covid-19 restrictions means we are able to hold the Captains Last Supper dinner dance. This Black-Tie event was introduced during the captaincy year of Chris (Trig) Jones and Dawn Thompson. Obviously, due to Covid restrictions we have not been able to hold this event for a couple of years. It is important that this and similar social events become embedded in the social calendar of our golf club. This event will take place on Friday 25th March. Posters in the clubhouse give full details of the event with tickets available from Haley in the bar. Included in the £25 ticket price is the usual banter, good humour, a three-course meal and a disco. Finally, enjoy your golf while the good weather is with us. Stay safe. Dave Palferman Captain 2021 dpalferman@gmail.com


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...