31 January, 2020

Seniors Competitions February 2020

Tuesday 4th Feb
SENIORS WINTER LEAGUE                 
(Round 4 of 6)
Top ten Stableford  scores receive League points 1-10
Thursday 6th Feb
(Men - Yellow Tees;           Ladies - Red)
Book in advance on Seniors Notice Board. See Don or reception for late entries
Tuesday 11th Feb
(9 x 3)  plus  (9 x 2)

Thursday 13th Feb

Tuesday 18th Feb
SENIORS WINTER LEAGUE                 
(Round 5 of 6)
Top ten Stableford  scores receive League points 1-10
Thursday 20th Feb

Tuesday 25th Feb
YELLOW BALL   4,5   4,5

Thursday  27th Jan
 (£10.00 Entry Fee)

Fee to include: Coffee and Welsh Cakes on arrival, Entry, Ball Sweep, Soup and Sandwich Lunch and ten prizes
Tuesday 3rd Mar
SENIORS WINTER LEAGUE                 
(Round 6 of 6)
Top ten Stableford  scores receive League points 1-10
Thursday 5th Mar
(Men - Yellow Tees; Ladies - Red)               
Book in advance on Seniors Notice Board. See Don or reception for late entries

Kitty competition results Thursday January 30th 2020

Thanks to Mike Healey for the following results:-

As expected, numbers were low today with members attending Mike Goring's funeral. The course is drying out nicely for all and it was necessary to split playing members into two competitions. Eight members played individual Stableford over 10 holes and the following members prevailed:

First:            Steve Monk                                            23 points

Second:        Mike Drake                                            21 points (Count back)

The second group played a pairs competition with both players to count with the following result:

First:            Chris Jacques and Bob Jarvis                  49 points

Second:        Tom McGrady and Ian Ketland                46 points

A ball sweep was run across both competitions and the following players scored twos:

Mike Drake                           Hole 1

Steve Monk                            Hole 5

Maelor Davies                        Hole 5

Bob Jarvis                             Holes 1 and 5

28 January, 2020

Bonus Ball Kitty competition January 28th 2020

Only 13 holes open today

Results courtesy of Mike Healey.

30 members competed.

First:            Richard Key, John Kelty, Alan Pocklington, Barry Dare                117 points (Countback)

Second:        Malcolm Williams, Tom McGrady, Mike Healey                           117 points

2's results:
Andy Mitchell on 1st hole
Steve Monk and Alan Barnsdale on 5th hole

Captain's Newsletter January 2020

Clays Golf Club

Captain’s Newsletter : January 2020

Dear Member of Clays Golf Club

With the slow but gradual improvement in the weather over recent weeks and more of a chance to play some golf, members’ thoughts will be turning towards the coming season. Dave Palferman, our Captain elect for 2020/20121, reports that the full calendar for the 2020 season can now be found on the Clays website. Members will notice that there are a couple of extra competitions labelled “Members Competition” this year. The aim of these two competitions is to raise additional funds for the members section to help finance improvements to on course facilities. The first of these competitions will take place on Saturday, 23rd May as a shotgun start. The format will be individual stableford, with prizes for the winners of Divisions 1, 2 and 3. Dave is urging members to support these competitions: your club needs you!

Dave has also placed a poster on the notice board in the foyer showing dates for the DGU competitions for the 2020 season. The first of these is the Spring Meeting at Abergele GC on Sunday 19th April. The entry sheet for this event is also on the DGU notice board. These are usually excellent occasions which are very reasonably priced. However, please note that payment must be made in advance by the date indicated on the sheet in order to confirm your participation on the day.

Also to be found on the DGU Noticeboard is the sign-up sheet for the Clays team to play in this season’s four DGU League Division 1 fixtures versus Rhos-on-Sea, Old Colwyn, Denbigh and Wrexham. If you are interested in taking part please put your name down, together with an indication of your availability for each match.

The Club AGM will take place during the afternoon of Saturday, 28th March. During the next few weeks the sheets will be placed on the club noticeboard inviting members to put forward proposals for consideration at the AGM as well as nominations for membership on the Club Council. Without people willing to play a part in the running of our golf club we would not be able to enjoy our membership of Clays. Please consider allowing your name to be submitted either for a role with a specific responsibility or as a general member of the Council.

One item which is currently being discussed by the Club Council is whether to renew our subscription to the HowDidIDo system. The renewal figure for the system is over £600 and, considering that this is a substantial amount which has to be taken from members’ funds, we thought it fitting that alternatives be considered e.g. Handicap Master, the system that was in place at Clays prior to HowDidIDo, costs considerably less for annual renewal. If you have strong views about this could you please let me know via email as soon as possible?

Finally, just a reminder that the Captains’ Dinner, which marks the end of Dawn’s and my year in office, will be taking place on Friday, 27th March from 7.30pm onwards. This is also the occasion when we will be presenting the cheque for the total amount raised for our charity during the past twelve months. Last year’s event was a great success with a special 3 course meal from Hayley and a disco and Dawn and I very much hope that you will be able to attend. Tickets priced at £25pp are available from Hayley.

Best wishes for a good month’s golf.

Nigel Davies                                                                                       nigeldavies78@gmail.com
Club Captain                                                                                      

Club News :

The DGU Jubilee Plate competition will again be running this season but, unlike previous years, we will not be holding a qualifying competition. Instead, anyone is invited to take part and enter their pairs names onto the sheet that will be found on the noticeboard.

During the next month the entry sheets for the 2020 Honours Board knockout competitions will become available in the foyer and upstairs. If you would like to take part, please note that the closing date for entries is 31st March.

I am pleased to report that the new Air Compressor is now in operation, alongside the path to the 1st tee to the side of the driving range. Thanks very much to everyone involved in bringing about this further enhancement to our golfing fun.

Dates for Your Diary :

1st February                        Club Monthly Medal

4th February                       Seniors Winter League 4

6th February                       Seniors Stableford Medal

8th February                       Saturday Winter Order of Merit 4

9th February                       Sunday Winter Order of Merit 4

11th February                     Club Council meeting

15th February                     Saturday Winter Order of Merit 5

16th February                     Sunday Winter Order of Merit 5

18th February                     Seniors Winter League 5

22nd February                    Saturday Winter Order of Merit 6

23rd February                     Sunday Winter Order of Merit 6

27th February                     Seniors “Nearly St. David’s Day” Competition

Club Results :
Congratulations to those members listed below on their recent golfing success.

Club Medal (January):
Division  1 :
1st        Jason Hill                                            2nd       Paul Wallace Jones    
Division 2 :
1st        Paul Jeffs                                           2nd       David Jones
Division 3 :
            1st :      Keith Hawthorn                                  2nd       Harold Hughes

Seniors January Stableford Medel
Division  1 :
1st        Alan Barnsdale                                   2nd       Keith Hawthorn         
Division 2 :
1st        Dave A. Jones                                    2nd       Damian Atkin

Seniors Winter League 2:
1st        Frank Rodenhurst                              
2nd       Chris Jacques 
3rd        Peter Taylor

Saturday Winter Order of Merit (18th January):
Division  1 :
1st        Andy Matthews                                  2nd       Kevin Scaife  
Division 2 :
1st        Michael McHugh                               2nd       Chris Jones
Division 3 :
            1st :      Richard Key                                        2nd       Harold Hughes

Seniors Winter League 3:
1st        Barry Dare                             
2nd       Mike Kalka    
3rd        Peter Taylor

Sunday Winter Order of Merit (26th January):
Division  1 :
1st        Kevin Jones                                         2nd       David Riley    
Division 2 :
1st        Paul Wallace Jones                            2nd       Paul Stevenson

25 January, 2020

Electric Trolley for sale £120

Don Wraight asked me to advertise the Electric Trolly of Bill Hughes. Less than 1 year old. Asking price £120

23 January, 2020

Pairs Betterball January 23rd 2020

Thank you Mike Healey for the following results.

35 Seniors played in a Pairs Betterball today under rather cloudy and cool conditions. Quite a few pairs returned 29 points but they weren't quite good enough! The top scores were as follows:

First:            Peter Taylor and Ralph Hardy                36 points

Second:        Ralph Howard and Peter Thomas          34 points

Third:            Ken Tieszen and Mick Carnell              31 points

Fourth:          Maelor Davies and Alan Barnsdale        30 points

Only 13 holes open today as per recent weeks. No buggies allowed hence Derek unable to play yet again!!

Club Captain, Nigel Davies presented the prizes due to a Senior's committee meeting being held immediately following the golf.

Video below of Steve Monk putting on the 18th. Video courtesy of Don Wraight.

Below Chris Jacques putting for a 3 on the 18th, Video courtesy of Don Wraight.

21 January, 2020

Seniors Winter League Round 3 January 21st 2020

Thanks to Mike Healey for the following report.

Cloudy overhead but drying conditions underfoot. The course was still a little bit sticky in places but some good scores were returned today. 41 Seniors took part in the third round of the Senior's Winter League and the following members secured League points for themselves, ably led by our Senior's Captain.

                                                Winter League 3rd Round

                                                Stableford             League

First -        Barry Dare   (Seniors Captain)             30 points             10 points

Second -   Mike Kalka                29 points              9 points

Third -       Peter Taylor               28 points              8 points

Fourth -     Ken Tieszen              27 points              7 points

Fifth -        Ernie Williams           26 points              6 points (Count Back)

Sixth -       Mike Drake               26 points              5 points (Count Back)

Seventh -   Alan Bottomley         26 points               4 points (Count Back)

Eighth -     Graham Bryne           25 points               3 points (Count Back

Ninth -       Alan Barnsdale          25 points               2 points (Count Back)

Tenth -       Tony Owens              25 points               1 point  (Count Back)

An updated version of the League standings (after three rounds) will appear on the Senior Noticeboard on Thursday. Reminder - Pairs Betterball. There were only 2 x twos scored - one on the first and one on the twelfth - both by Dave Palferman, who walked away with the entire twos ball sweep!


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...