29 December, 2018



Derek wishes to thank all those that supply him with results for this blog when he is away.

Best wishes

Derek Del.

27 December, 2018

Individual Stableford December 27th 2018

Thank you to our Senior Captain Don Wraight for the following report:-

21 players today playing an individual stableford.
Course playing well greens ok and a bit sticky in places but very nice.

1st. Mike Ryan  39pts
2nd Dave A Jones 38pts
3rd Barry Dare 37pts
4th Joe White 36pts
5th Dave Lloyd 35 pts

20 December, 2018

3 Clubs and a putter December 20th 2018

Thank you to Tom McGrady for the following report.

We had a much better turnout today due to more favourable weather conditions. The course was very damp and a bit muddy after the overnight rain but was very playable.

30 members played “3 clubs and a putter” and there were 6 prizes as follows:

1st -  Malcolm Williams with 42 points
2nd - Dave A Jones with 37 points (better back 9)
3rd -  Dilly Jones with 37 points
4th - Tom McGrady with 35 points (best back 9)
5th - Mike Drake with 35 points (better back 9)
6th   Dave Palferman with 35 points

After the results we all sang “Happy Birthday To You” for our club President Bob Brown who is 74 today.

Derek wishes all our Senior members a very Happy Xmas and a very healthy New Year.

18 December, 2018

9 hole stableford December 18th 2018

Thank you to Tom McGrady for supplying the following report and photos.

Despite the weather forecast for today 12 seniors turned up to play but only 9 actually went out (see above photos).

We played a 9 hole individual stableford competition in teams of 3 on the clubhouse side of the course. The weather
was a little damp but not enough to put us off.

The 9 were;

Alan Bleasdale, Colin Brown and myself.
John Falcus, Mike Parks, Mike Turner
Andrew Mitchell, Barry Dare, Peter Taylor

There were 3 prizes as follows:

1st was John Falcus with 18 points
2nd was Colin Brown with 17 points
3rd was Barry Dare with  16 points

Everyone enjoyed some tasty fare from Hayley before going home.

14 December, 2018

Seniors Stableford played under the new rules December 13th 2018

Thank you to Steve Monk for supplying the following results.

Today we played an individual stableford competition, under the new rules to come in permanently on Jan 1st 2019. 38 seniors played in cold but dry conditions.

Results were as follows:
1st - Ralph Hardy with 38 points.

2nd - Damian Atkin also with 38 points (on countback).

3rd - Nigel Davies with 37 points.

4th - Malcolm Williams with 36 points.

5th - Keith Hawthorn also with 36 points (on countback).

6th - Mike Healey with 35 points.

7th - Ivan Corlett  also with 35 points (on countback).

12 December, 2018

Seniors Xmas Party December 11th 2018

Derek is indebted to Don Wraight and Mike Parkes for submitting the following photos and results:-

9 hole texas scramble from tees on clubhouse side 1st,16th and on the other side of the course tees 5th and 10th.

Course in great condition for December with the greens having been cut on Monday and all bunkers raked.

1st place on the clubhouse side
Ryan Anthony. Dilly Jones, Phil Gee and Dave Jones total of 27.65
2nd. Alan Bottomley, Russ Adamson, Liam Roddis and Mike Ryan  30.4

Far side
Winners  were Steve Monk, Mike Kalka, Ralph Hardy and Chris Jacques  26.75
2nd Harold Hughes, Geoff Morris Mike Carnell and Graham Davidson-Clarke 29.4

Following the golf we were presented with a lovely turkey dinner with all the trimming and Christmas pud. Meal was fantastic and enjoyed by all.
Wine and beer flowed and everyone had a great time.
Steve Beech devised a general knowledge quiz to tax us all.

Mark receiving the collection made for him and Greenstaff on behalf of Seniors Section.

07 December, 2018

Seniors Medal Stableford December 6th 2018

Some great scores were carded today. Results as follows:-

  1. Andrew Mitchell  43 points won with 1 birdie and 8 pars  in a card play off from....
  2. Graham Bryne 43 points
  3. Michael Ryan 41 points
  4. Dave Palferman 41 points
  5. Ernie Williams 39 points
  6. Tom Pierce 39 points
  7. Tom McGrady 38 points
  8. Dilly Jones  37 points
  9. Mike Turner 37 points
  10. Bob Brown 35 points
  11. Don Wraight (Senior Captain) 35 points

04 December, 2018

9 Hole Texas scramble and Seniors AGM December 4th 2018

43 Members competed in today's Texas scramble

Teams played in 2 events. Those on near side of the road and those on far side of the road.

Results on nearside:-

  1. Frank Rodenhurst, Harold Hughes, Stuart Leyland and Bob Brown  31.05
  2. Mike Healey, Mike Griffiths, Alan Bottomley and Nigel Davies 33,2

Results on farside:-
  1. Don Wraight, Mick Carnell, Dilly Jones and Cliff Davies  28.65
  2. Noel Jones, Mike Hollings, Reg Peacock and Malcolm Williams  29.9

After the games the Seniors AGM commenced at 12 noon chaired by Seniors Captain Don Wraight

03 December, 2018

More golf rules from Fred November 3rd 2018

Sheriffs Blog 2/12/2018. Having blogged on many accessions and advised on action not permitted within the rules, it looks like the new rules will reverse some of that advice.
The first example that comes to mind is the rules on a provisional ball Rule 18.3. The rules advise under R18.3a; a Provisional ball is allowed when a ball may be lost outside of a “Penalty area” {water Hazard} or out of Bounds, to save time a player may play a Provisional ball under “stroke and distance”.
This applies {1} to a ball not yet found and identified and is not yet lost state or {2} when a ball might be lost in a penalty area but also might be lost elsewhere on the course, but if the player is aware that the only possible place the original ball could be lost is in a “Penalty area” a provisional ball is not allowed and any ball played from where the previous ball was played becomes the ball in play under a penalty of stroke and distance.

Don’t worry because the rules go on to advise situations a provisional ball may be played.

Under R18.3a1 a provisional ball may be played {1} The original ball might be in a penalty area but might also be lost outside the “Penalty area” or out of bounds.{2} The player believes the original ball came to rest in the “general area” and it might be lost. If it is later found in a “Penalty area” within the three minute search time the player must abandon the provisional ball.

R18.3a/2 a player may play a provisional ball for a ball that might be lost when the original ball has not been found and identified even if the 3 minute search time has not yet ended. [This is a change from previous rules as this now allows the player to walk back within the 3 minutes and play a provisional ball. If the original ball is found within the 3 minute search time the player must continue with the original ball]

R18.3a/3 When a player plays multiple balls from the same spot, each ball relates only to the previous ball played.

R18.3b Before the stroke is made; the player must announce they are playing a provisional ball.
 [It is not enough for the player to only say they are going to “play another ball” or “playing again”. The player must use the word “Provisional”.
If the player does not announce this even if it is the intention and plays a ball from where the previous ball is played, that ball is the players ball in play under a stroke and distance.
Examples valid for announcement of a provisional ball include “I’m playing a ball under rule 18.3” or “I’m going to play another just in case.”
Announcements not accepted as a clear indication of a provisional ball include “I’m going to reload” or “I’m going to play another”The Sheriff


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...