31 October, 2018

Seniors events for November 2018 via Steve Monk October 31st 2018



Thursday Nov 1st       
NOVEMBER ‘MEDAL’ (Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Draw is on Club Website Booking Page
Tuesday Nov 6th    
‘9 x 3’ PLUS ‘9 x 2’

Thursday Nov 8th   
Individual Stableford Competition
Charity event for Poppy Day. All £££’s to British Legion; £5 entry includes raffle tickets and all swear box penalties!
Tuesday Nov 13th       
Individual Stableford
Thursday Nov 15th    

Tuesday Nov 20th    
(followed by a Committee Meeting)

Thursday Nov 22nd    

Tuesday Nov 27th    
Individual Stableford
Thursday Nov 29th   

Tuesday Dec 4th
9-Hole Texas Scramble followed by A.G.M. at approx. 12 noon.
Please make every effort to be at the AGM - Thanks
Thursday Dec 6th
DECEMBER ‘MEDAL’ (Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Entries in advance via sheet on board

Also in December:


Dec 13th – A competition played under a Trial of the New Rules, to be introduced formally on January 1st 2019.

30 October, 2018

Seniors Multiplier kitty competition October 30th 2018

The weather today was cold and damp but it did prevent 40 Seniors competing.

Some excellent scores were carded and results below:-

  1. Mike Hollings, Ralph Hardy, David F Jones and Dilly Jones 104 points. Team photo below.

  1. Bob Brown, Peter Bowen, Richard Key and Mike Carnell 103 points
  2. Don Wraight, Nigel Harris, Jon Falcus and Keith Jones  103 points

Several announcements were made at the presentation by Don Wraight, SeniorsCaptain and Chris Jacques, Seniors Hon Secretary.
Don mentioned about new sweaters that are available and asked Dilly Jones to model one.....photos below

Chris had sent an email out today about the Seniors AGM and asked that if anyone had not received it to let him know in case he had not got all the Seniors emails.

28 October, 2018

Seniors Texas Scramble October 25th 2018

  1.  Texas Scramble  was won by Ralph Hardy,Harold Hughes,  Dilly Jones and Mike Parks with 60.4
  2. Andrew Mitchell, Tom McGrady, D F Jones and Bill Hughes 64.9
  3. Richard Key, Bob Brown, Bill Kelleher and Stewart Poole 64.9

24 October, 2018

Individual Stableford and Match vs Hawarden at Clays October 23rd2018

Thank you to Steve Monk for providing the results

Before today's match started at 9.00 a.m., 22 seniors played an individual stableford competition.

Results were:

1st - Bob Brown with 32 points

2nd - Tom McGrady with 31 points

3rd - Bob Jarvis also with 31 points (on countback)

4th - Chris Jacques with 30 points

5th - Tony Owens also with 30 points (on countback)

In the match Don Wraight reports that score was Clays 4 1/2 and Hawarden 3 1/2

19 October, 2018

Bonus ball October 18th 2018

Thanks again to Steve Monk for the following report. Derek had a Drs appointment for flu jab so unable to play

Another glorious day for golf, with sunshine throughout. A very heavy dew made putting a challenge for the first couple of hours, and restricted the amount of run on well-hit drives, but the dew was gradually dried out by the sun. Forty-five players turned up to compete in a Bonus Ball game. We had 3 teams of 3 and 9 teams of 4, with each set playing their own competition. Winners were:

In the 3-ball competition, Mike Kalka, Tony Owens and Noel Jones carded the best score with 103 stableford points.

In the 4-balls, 1st were Don Wraight, Stewart Poole, Roy Jordan and Dave Lloyd with 160 points.

2nd were Andy Mitchell, Damian Atkin, Dave A Jones and Keith Hawthorn with 149 points.

3rd were Cliff Davies, Mike Drake, Peter Bowen and Jon Falcus with 146 points

Explanation of scoring for Bonus Ball (previously called Yellowish Ball).
This is played as a stableford competition, ideally in 4-ball teams.
At every hole all four stableford scores count towards the team total, and a 'bonus' score is added. The bonus score is derived as follows.
At all holes on the front 9 of the course (holes 1 to 9 inclusive), the lowest stableford points score from the 4 team members is added as the bonus score.
At all holes on the back 9 of the course (holes 10 to 18 inclusive) the highest stableford points score from the 4 team members is added as the bonus score.
Some examples:-
On Hole 1, say, the 4 players record scores of 6/2, 4/3, 6/1, 5/2. The bonus score is the lowest of these, i.e. 1. So the team total for the hole is 9.
On Hole 7, say, the 4 players record scores of 5/2, 6/2, 5/3, 7/0. The bonus score is the lowest of these, i.e. 0. So the team total for the hole is 7.
On hole 10, the 4 scores are 4/4, 6/2, 5/2, 6/1. The bonus score is the highest of these, i.e. 4. So the team total for the hole is 13.

On hole 17, the 4 scores are 3/3, 4/2, 6/0, 5/1. The bonus score is the highest of these, i.e. 3. So the team total for the hole is 9.

16 October, 2018

Seniors Individual Stableford Qualifier October 16th 2018

51 Seniors competed today.

Results as follows:-

  1. Ralph Hardy 38 points
  2. Mike Hollings 38 points
  3. Russ Adamson 36 points
  4. Bill Kelleher 36 points
  5. Nigel Harris 35 points
  6. Mike Drake 35 points
  7. Andrew Mitchell 35 points
  8. Stewart Poole 35 points
  9. Michael Ryan 33 points
  10. Bob Brown 33 points
  11. Mike Parks 33 points
  12. Steve Monk 32 points
  13. Chris Jacques 32 points
  14. Tom McGrady 32 points
  15. Harold Hughes 32 points
  16. David Jones 32 points
  17. Frank Rodenhurst 32 points
  18. Barry Dare 31 points
  19. Ernie Williams 31 points
  20. Dave A Jones 31 points
  21. Dave Riley 31 points
  22. Don Wraight 31 points
  23. John Kelty 30 points
  24. Michael Healey 30 points
  25. Bill Hughes 30 points
  26. Malcolm Williams 30 points
  27. Graham Bryne 28 points
  28. Peter Bowen 28 points
  29. Alan Barnside 27 points
  30. Dave F Jones 26 points
In the 2's competition there were 6 winners namely
Andrew Mitchell, Steve Monk, Chris Jacques, Frank Rodenhurst and Tom Pierce at the 5th. Tony Owens carded a 2 at the 12th,

11 October, 2018

Seniors Waltz competition October 11th 2018

Thank you to Don Wraight for supplying the following results

38 played today in good conditions not wet at all just a sprinkle towards the end of the rounds.

18 played in 3balls and 20 in 4 balls, giving a chance at winning some sort of prize

3 ball result 1st Chris Jacques, Mike Carnell and Tony Owens 86 pts
                    2nd Colin Brown, Keith Jones and Don Wraight 79pts

4 ball result 1st Keith Hawthorn, Alan Barnsdale, Bob Jarvis and Harold Hughes 90pts
                    2nd Andy Mitchell, Bob Brown, Mike Ryan and Mike Drake 87 pts

Russ Adamson was the only 2's winner when he carded a 2 on the 5th using a 9 iron!

09 October, 2018

Seniors pairs betterball stableford October 9th 2018

Glorious sunny day but very window with lots of leaves being blown about.

Some great scores were carded

In the 2's competition there were 2 winners each with a 2 on the 5th....mamely Tony Owens and Peter Fraser,

A total of 48 players compered and results as follows:-

  1. Mike Hollings and John Kelty 46 points
  2. Rodney Evans and Bob Jarvis 44 points
  3. Noel Jones and Colin Brown 41 points on countback
  4. Stewart Poole and Peter Fraser 41 points on countback
  5. Mike Healy and Dave Palferman 41 points

04 October, 2018

Medal and 9 hole stableford qualifier Oct 4th 2018

9 hole stableford qualifier

  1. Stewart Poole 21 points
  2. Irwin Elkin 16 points
  3. Bill Hughes 15 points

Medal results:
Division 1
  1. Colin Brown 39 points
  2. Dave F Jones 36 points
  3. Keith Jones 35 points
  4. Reg Peacock 34 points
  5. Jonathan Falcus 34 points
  6. Tony Harcombe 31 points
  7. Alan Barnsdale 31 points
  8. Tony Owens 31 points
  9. Michael Carnell 29 points
  10. Ernie Williams 28 points

Division 2
  1. Michael Healey 43 points
  2. Steve Monk 41 points
  3. Mike Drake 40 points
  4. Harold Hughes 40 points
  5. Michael Ryan 38 points
  6. Mike Goring 38 points
  7. Dilly Jones 37 points
  8. Malcolm Williams 35 points
  9. Joe White 34 points
  10. Barry Dare 34 points

02 October, 2018

Kitty competition October 2nd 2018 and away match at Henlle

Steve Monk reported the following...thanks Steve

Although a team of members were playing away at Henlle a further 29 played an individual stableford. Conditions were slightly threatening  but everyone stayed dry possibly due to the wind which was always present to some extent

Results as follows:-

  1. Steve Monk with 41 points
  2. Alan Barnsdale 39 points
  3. Jon Falcus 37 points 
  4. Joe White  37 points on countback
  5. Mike Kalka 36 points
  6. Malcolm Williams 36 points on countback


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...