28 September, 2017

Away match vs Mold and home kitty competition best 2 scores September 28th 2017

Thank you to Andrew Mitchell for the following report..

Best two scores  (23 players)

1st  Andrew Mitchell, Dave Lloyd, Tony Jackson and Maelor Davies    76  points.

2nd  Dianne Dare, Roy Jordan, Harold Hughes and Tony Owens           73 points.

Thank you Nigel Davies for the following

Today's match result as follows ...

Mold 4 1/2  Clays 5 1/2

26 September, 2017

Seniors Yellow Ball September 26th 2017

Today the weather was gloomy and overcast but thankfully no rain.

The competition consisted of teams of 3 and teams of 4.

Results below:

3 Ball results

  1. Ernie Williams, Tom McGrady and Barry Dare  114 points
  2. Nigel Davies, George Hooson and Peter Lynch  111 points
 4 Ball results

  1. Don Wraight, Derek Lyon, Mike Goring and Colin Brown  139 points
  2. Bob Dean, Alan Bottomley, Noel Jones and Andrew Mitchell  136 points

Tom McGrady ran the 2 ball competition in which 38 players competed...
Colin Brown and Peter Bowen had a 2 on the 2nd hole

22 September, 2017

Seniors 18 hole medal and 9 hole Stableford Qualifier September 21st 2017

9-hole Stableford Qualifier Front nine

Played on Thursday, 21 September 2017 at Clays

Competition Scratch Score:
No CSS (Men - Yellow Tees)

1Elkin, Irwin16 pts (13)Overall Winner25.0
2Parks, Michael14 pts (14)Overall Runner-Up28.0

Senior Medal

Played on Thursday, 21 September 2017 at Clays

Competition Scratch Score:
72 (RO) (Men - White Tees)

Division 1
1Jacques, Chris78 - 07 = 71Division 1 - Winner &
Lowest Gross Score
3Wraight, Don85 - 10 = 75Division 1 - Runner-Up10.1
4Evans, Rodney H95 - 18 = 77Division 1 - 3rd17.7
7Palferman, David92 - 12 = 8011.5
8Kelleher, William Bill94 - 13 = 8112.7
10Owens, Tony Martin98 - 17 = 8117.3
11Williams, Malcolm99 - 18 = 8118.1
13Davies, Nigel98 - 15 = 8314.5
15Fraser, Peter100 - 16 = 8416.2
16Jones, M Keith102 - 17 = 8516.8
17Jackson, Tony100 - 15 = 8514.5
-McGrady, TomNo Return17.2
-Mitchell, AndrewNo Return15.2
Division 2
2Bottomley, Alan Richard101 - 26 = 75Division 2 - Winner25.5
5Jones, Dave F96 - 19 = 77Division 2 - Runner-Up18.6
6Davies, Clifford102 - 24 = 78Division 2 - 3rd23.9
9Fergus, David106 - 25 = 8124.9
12Davies, Maelor104 - 21 = 8321.1
14Hollings, Mike102 - 19 = 8319.2
18Brown, Bob112 - 25 = 8725.2
19Jordan, Roy110 - 19 = 9119.4
20Monk, Steve115 - 22 = 9321.6
21Evans, Colin T124 - 28 = 9628.0
The following player(s) returned Twos or better in this competition:
2Jackson, Tony2

19 September, 2017

Seniors Pairs betterball and Match vs Hawarden away September 19th 2017

Thanks to Andrew Mitchell for providing the following results:-

Golf result for Tuesday 19th September 2017

Pairs B/B  22 Players.

1st     Andrew Mitchell &  John Kelty    40 points

2nd     Reg Taylor & Stewart Poole          39 points

3rd    Dave Lloyd & Tony Owens             34 points

Thanks to Nigel Davies for the following  ....Today's match result as follows ...
Hawarden 6  Clays 4

15 September, 2017

Medal cancelled and replaced with a kitty competition September 14th 2017

Today should have been a Medal but due to the very wet weather it was cancelled and replaced with a 9 hole kitty competition in  which a few hardy individuals competed.

Thank you to Don Wraight for supplying the following results:-

1st Don wraight 20pts

2nd Harold Hughes 16 pts

3rd Mike Hollings 14pts

12 September, 2017

Seniors Greensomes Stableford September 12th 2017

Thanks to Steve Monk for the following report...Derek was lame!

Today's kitty comp was a Greensomes stableford format, with 21 pairs competing and a further single player acting as a marker for the 21st pair. Despite unsettled weather over the previous few days, and a poor forecast, the morning was excellent for golf with warm sunny spells, no rain and just a gentle breeze. Results were as follows.

1st - Andy Mitchell and Steve Monk with 38 points.

2nd - Tony Owens and Alan Bottomley with 33 points.

3rd - Bob Brown (President) and Tom McGrady with 31 points (on countback).

4th - Stewart Poole and Mike Drake also with 31 points.

5th - Colin Brown and Nigel Harris with 30 points.

11 September, 2017

Bob Brown's Presidents Day Saturday September 9th 2017

Presidents Day
Bob Brown hosted his special day albeit in rather poor weather conditions!
Played on Saturday, 9 September 2017 at Clays

Competition Scratch Score:
71 (34pts) (Men - White Tees)
72 (35pts) (Ladies - Red Tees)

Home Club
Overall Winner
Overall Runner-Up
Overall 3rd



Chester (Curzon Park)



Dawn Thompson won the ladies prize, as well as nearest the pin (5th hole for ladies), and straightest drive on 11th fairway (1inch off). Neil Owen won nearest the pin (mens) on the 2nd hole ( just inside President Bob Brown! ), Russ Adamson was the best senior score, and Jayne Evans' son won the junior prize. Bob Brown’s nephew, and guest, Allan Brown won the visitors prize.
Ian Gibbon had a hole in one on the 5th hole, for which Bob awarded him a bottle of wine.
In the ball sweep, Dylan Jones recorded a 2 on the 5th, and Stephen Hart a 2 on the 17th, for which they will both receive 18 balls.
Richard Key kindly donated a bottle of whisky, which we used for a coin rolling, with my Nephew again winning with his coin 2 inches away from the bottle. This added £37 to the charity fund on top of the £56 already donated at the refreshment tent making £93 in total.

07 September, 2017

Kitty competition pairs both scores counting Thursday September 7th 2017

Steve Monk kindly provided the following report.....

Today we played a Pairs Both Scores to Count competition. 34 players participated, with some starting early following a mix-up over Senior's block booking days. The weather was fine with little breeze so good conditions - but the scores did not reflect this! Out of 17 pairs, the best score returned was six shots over par. However, competition for prizes was keen, with 3 pairs scoring 59 points in addition to the prizewinners listed below.
1st - Irwin Elkin and Don Wraight with 66 points.
2nd - Mike Kalka and Dilly Jones with 62 points.
3rd - Mike Drake and Nigel Davies with 61 points.

4th - Cliff Davies and Bob Dean with 60 points.

31 entered into the Birdie Two's competition,  with Reg Taylor and Dave Fergus  both achieving a two on the 5th hole. Thanks to Cliff Evans for this report.

Today Nigel Davies Seniors Captain presented the 28 my **** Trophy to Dave Fergus
Photo below courtesy of Don Wraight

05 September, 2017

Kitty competition stableford and home match vs Holywell September 5th 2017

A big thankyou to Tom McGrady  for the following results... Only 10 seniors played the kitty comp today as there was a home match against Holywell.

The result of the kitty comp was as follows:

1st - Mike Kalka with 39 points
2nd - Tom McGrady with 36 points
3rd - Andrew Mitchell with 32 points

Match the result was
Clays 5 1/2  Holywell 1 1/2


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...