28 January, 2016

Seniors events and competitions for February 2016





Feb 2nd
ROUND 3 of 6
Individual Stableford
Feb 4th
Draw on board -  late entries see Don Wraight
Feb 9th
WALTZ (1,2,3…1,2,3…etc)

Thursday Feb 11th

Feb 16th
ROUND 4 of 6
Individual Stableford
Thursday Feb 18th
 (Followed by Committee Meeting)

Feb 23rd

Thursday Feb 25th

Mar 1st
Including Lunch / Trophy / Ball Sweep
Entry in advance via sheet on notice board
Mar 3rd
Entry in advance via sheet on notice board

Seniors Texas scramble January 28th 2016

At long last the course had dried out enough for the event to be played over the full 18 holes.
 One item worthy of a mention was the rumour that Malcolm Williams had a hole in one on the 16th !!!.....after much debate it was noted that his ball was found in a "rabbit hole" and NOT the hole on the temporary green....at least that was cleared up!!

There were 43 players, in 10 x 4 balls and 1 x 3-ball. The 3-ball received an adjusted handicap to compensate them for being 1 player down compared to all the others.

1st: Stuart Leyland, Ernie Williams and Reg Peacock - 56.9.

2nd: Andrew Mitchell, David Jones, Diane Dare and Colin Evans - 57.2.

3rd: Don Wraight, Malcolm Williams, Tony Owens and Terry Keen - 57.8.

26 January, 2016

January 26th 9x3 9x2 Stableford

Played over 13 holes due to weather conditions

18 played

1st Don Wraight, Noel Jones, Maelor Davies  66 pts

2nd  Bill Parrish, Harold Hughes, Tony Jackson 65pts

23 January, 2016

Golf rule from Fred regarding correct way to drop a ball published January 23rd 2016

23rd January 2016.  Let’s have a look at the correct way to drop your ball. How often have you seen someone throw their ball out of a hazard or replacement ball casually to the ground, then proceed to play the ball as it lies. If rules allow a dropped ball it shall be from shoulder height, shall strike the ground within the permitted marked position it may bounce and travel up to two clubs lengths not nearer the hole and is a valid drop except if it comes to rest as in the illustrations. Failure to comply is a penalty situation

When taking permitted free relief within the rules your ball shall be dropped to stick the ground with the nearest point of relief plus one club length. Where is the nearest point of relief you may ask.
The nearest point of relief is defined as the nearest position the ball would lay in order for the condition permitting relief would not exist.
Dropping your ball under this rule shall be as above you are not permitted to consider other conditions which could influence you next play.
The nearest point of relief is a reference to the issue enabling relief regardless of other influences.
On occasions you may see the nearest point of relief corrupted by a player because playing from the correct point of relief has a tree is in the way for the next stroke.
 Markers should point out this error which, if ignored the player has played from the wrong place and the appropriate penalty applies to hiss score for the hole.  

21 January, 2016

Seniors "Yellowish Ball" Competition January 21st 2016

The weather was to say the least "raw" today with the course much less wet than 2 days ago.

Today was due to be the Seniors Medal but as 5 holes were still closed a decision made to play another format. This time a variation of the Yellow Ball competition was held. Basically the rules as follows. All members of each team record their stableford scores and then on the front 9 the lowest score is added to the cumulative score for that hole. On the back 9 the highest score on each hole is added to the cumulative score...easy!

Yellow-ish Ball
Kitty Comp game for Senior Section.

The Game played to R&A Golf Rules with Stableford scoring.
As with “yellow ball” all scores count with the nominated yellow ball doubling their score.

Note there is no loss of yellow ball scores when taking penalties, penalty shots are added to each individual gross score as normal and the yellow ball score is determined on completion of the hole as instructed below.

In this format the Yellow ball is the lowest score when playing the front nine holes in play and the highest score when playing the back nine holes in play.

For the purpose of Card checking please mark your group’s score-card with the “Gross score” /  “Points” only for each player and also the appropriate Yellow-ish Ball score as indicated with the following example below:-

Player A
Player B
Player C
Player D
Yellow Ball score

Front Nine Holes in Play (Lowest score is Yellow Ball)

5/ 2
4/ 3
6/ 2
8/ 0

5/ 1
4/ 3
3/ 4
3/ 4

Back Nine Holes in Play (Highest score is Yellow Ball)

5/ 2
4/ 3
6/ 2
8/ 0

5/ 1
4/ 3
3/ 4
3/ 4

There were teams of 3 and teams of 4 playing. Results as follows:-
3 ball winners were Noel Jones, Harold Hughes and Peter Almond with 107 points

4 ball winners were Fred Court, Bob Brown (just back from Tenerife) Graham Stokes and Steve Monk with 132 points. The runners up were Andrew Mitchell, Mike Goring, Phil Morris and Tom McGrady with 131 points.

19 January, 2016

Seniors Winter League round 2 of 6

At last the weather was warmer...ish with no rain for members to enjoy today

Prior to going out the 4 members below were caught having a warming coffee!

Results as follows:-

39 players competed over 13 holes. Holes 2, 6, 7, 15 and 16 closed.

1st. Mike Goring, with 35 points, winning 10 league points.

2nd. Frank Rodenhurst,with 32 points, winning 9 league points.

3rd. Tom Pierce, with 32 points, winning 8 league points.

4th. Fred Court, with 31 points, winning 7 league points.

5th. Tony Harcombe, with 31 points, winning 6 league points.

6th. Derek Lyon, with 30 points, winning 5 league points.

7th. Ralph Hardy, with 29 points, winning 4 league points.

8th. Peter Almond, with 29 points, winning 3 league points.

9th. Tony Jackson, with 29 points, winning 2 league points.

10th. Bill Parrish, with 29 points, winning 1 league point.

16 January, 2016

Golf rule via Fred January 15th 2016

15th January 2016. Which golfing rule would you like to ignore? And I do not necessarily mean your own play. The answer should of course be none.
So often little rules are overlooked by players and the point I am making is the fact that some players may make an innocent mistake but their markers who may be aware, fail to point out the mistake and advise the player he has erred and apply the penalty to the players score for the hole.
For example, take the following rule  Once your Ball is in play, except with your club at address and making the stroke, you are not allowed to touch your ball unless you have advised your marker you are implementing an appropriate Rule, you must then mark the position your ball before lifting and applying the rule.

This is also true when identifying your ball through the green, also when on the green, so many, having failed to mark their ball first, bend down and align the ball marking to their line of putt, you should apply a penalty shot for touching the ball. (Bear in mind marking the ball position with the putter head is permitted).

This action may seem petty but elsewhere somebody in a similar situation may be applying the rule and subsequent penalty, and in doing so your player effectively, now has a stroke advantaged compared the player who applied the penalty. Please apply ruling as they occur and not as you see fit. I have often heard “you would not have lost that shot if Fred was not with us,” let us hear instead what would we do in this situation if Fred (or Don) were with us. Sheriff

14 January, 2016

Seniors LAH LAH stableford competition January 14th 2016

This was a new competition format introduced by Steve Monk. Basically the rules are LOWEST SCORE (L), FOLLOWED by AGGREGATE SCORES (A) and finally HIGHEST (H) score, Played today as a pairs competition. There were only 13 holes open today with holes 2, 6, 7, 16 and 17 closed. As it was a new format there was some confusion to say the least in recording the correct scores but this was overcome and finalised by Steve in the club house.
Via Fred the rules below
Kitty Comp game for Senior Section.

The Game played to R&A Golf Rules with Stableford scoring.
Scoring is applied to the chronological order of “Holes-in-Play” starting from hole “1”.
LAH gets its name from Lowest/Accumulated/Highest repeated.

Mark your card in advance indicating the score allowance for each hole in play.

The first hole in play only the lowest score is replicated in the totals column.

The second hole in play the accumulated score for all players is replicated in the totals column.

The third hole in play the highest score is replicated in the totals column.

Repeat this sequence though the holes in play score as indicated with the following example below as this game suits two three and four ball groups the example card is for 4 ball groups.:-

Player A
Player B
Player C
Player D
Score applied for this hole

First Holes in Play (Say No 1) (Lowest score)

5/ 2
4/ 3
6/ 2
8/ 0

Second hole in Play (say 3rd) (Accumulated score)
5/ 1
4/ 3
3/ 4
3/ 4

Third Hole in play (say 4th) (the highest score)
5/ 1
4/ 3
3/ 4
3/ 4

Repeat the above sequence as you play the available course.

Results as follows:

  1. John Kelty and that man again Tom McGrady  39 points
  2. Mike Goring and Tony Owens  37 points
  3. Don Wraight and Mike Kalka  34 points on count back

Some photos and videos of the day below. As cab be seen although the weather was very cold (about 4c) and very windy the sky was blue and it was a pleasure to be out getting excercise!

View from 8th fairway down across the 7th fairway. No wonder it was closed

Looking down the 11th  fairway

View back down the 11th fairway

Reg Taylor about to tee off on the 14th

In the 1st video below Reg Taylor and his partner Andrew Mitchell can be seen putting out on the 8th. Andrew hit a superb iron for his 2nd shot and ended up with a gross birdie and 4 points. Reg also did well and sunk his putt for a gross 4 and 3 points giving them a total of 7 points on this hole

                                          Below Andrew  teeing off on the 14th

12 January, 2016

Seniors Golf Tuesday January 12th 2016

When Derek woke up today and looked at the weather forecast he said to himself "no way" but on reflection wished he had braved the elements as the report and photos below kindly provided by Tom McGrady show!

 You may be interested to know that only 5 of us played today!!!
 About 16 turned up but only the following 5 went out:
 Andrew Mitchell
     Graham Stokes
     Mike Drake
     Terry Keen
     Tom McGrady

I think all of the others were put off by the weather at 8.30ish. We went out at around 9am and the poor weather only lasted for the first hole and then the rest of the round was played in lovely conditions ending in some bright sunshine as the pictures below confirm.

The 3rd picture shows Andrew and Graham with their umbrellas up to shade them from the sun!!!!
The 5 only played 13 holes as holes 2,6,7,16 and 17 were closed.

Tom obviously used his selfie stick!!

Andrew shading from the sun!!

09 January, 2016

Another golf rule via Fred

A member advised he was confused as to whether worm casts were loose impediments, each in our group had a different solution. Unfortunately the correct answer may be just as confusing.
Loose impediment are defined as natural objects including Stones; leaves; twigs and the like.
Dung and insects and also the casts and heaps made by them are loose impediments provided (and here is the crunch for your decision) they are not fixed or growing, solidly embedded or adhered to the ball.
Sand and loose soil are loose impediment on the putting green but not elsewhere. Snow and natural ice, other than frost are either Casual water or loose impediments, (the players Option). Sheriff

07 January, 2016

Seniors Pairs Betterball January 7th 2016

Today was meant to be the Seniors Medal but it was cancelled due to the course conditions and the Medal was postponed for 2 weeks and in its place was held a pairs betterball competition, Results as follows:-

  1. Ernie Williams and Terry Keen   34 points
  2. Peter Lynch and Derek Lyon  33 points on count back
  3. Peter Fraser and Cliff Evans  33 points
  4. Steve Monk and Nigel Davies (Senior Captain)  32 points

Some photos and videos of the day below. Although conditions were pretty wet one will not remember such once Spring and Summer arrives. We are very lucky being able to get out and play.

View from 14th fairway looking across down 15th fairway

Nigel Davies about to take his 3rd shot to the 15th green

Looking towards green on the 15th

Steve Monk along with his partner Nigel Davies playing onto the 3rd green

Steve Monk having finished on the 3rd makes his way towards 4th tee.....note the conditions

Bunker besides 3rd tee

View from 6th fairway towards 7th fairway

Nigel removing his plugged drive on the 6th

At long last we get blue sky as we approach the 13th green

View across to 13th green

        Below Nigel having a bad time on the 14th. Here he can be seen taking his 4th shot!!

                                 Below Nigel taking his 2nd shot towards the 6th green

Below Nigel's partner Steve driving off from the 11th tee


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...