31 December, 2015


Just in case you are wondering I have changed format and template of our blog for 2016
Hope you approve?
Happy New Year to everyone for 2016....may you all have lots of birdies and eagles and perhaps a condor or 2?
Best wishes
Derek....the Blog Master

Seniors Texas scramble played over 14 holes on December 31st 2015

Texas Scramble played over 14 holes.

1st  Andy Mitchell, Roy Jordan & Terry Keen   46.2

2nd  Colin Brown, Malcolm Williams, Noel Jones & Tony Harcombe 48.0

Picture of Malcolm and Colin below courtesy of Cliff Evans

Golf rule ref pitch marks from Fred

December 2015. A New Year resolution, why not “pitch mark” repairs. You may have noticed the brown spots on the greens, strangely close to the size of a golf ball.
My theory is they are Ball pitch marks left then flattened with the next mowing or incorrectly repaired.
Try for yourself, a ball pitch mark repaired by placing your fork into the pitch hole and lifting the centre as in “A” in the diagram after levelling with your putter you are left with an earthen spot.

                                                                                                                                                Now try another Ball pitch mark repair by placing your fork into the surround of the Pitch mark as in “B” in the diagram and force the elevated surround back over into the depression, when completed tap down gently with your putter to level off and admire the difference, a green area unblemished. Sheriff.  

29 December, 2015

Seniors Individual Stableford December 29th 2015

Some 37 Seniors ventured out today to blow the cobwebs from Xmas away. Some great scores carded as can be seen below

1. Colin Brown (17) 38 points. Obviously Colin who recently stood down as Seniors Captain feels no pressure now.....well done. Gross birdie on the 18th included

2. Don Wraight recently back from Xmas festivities in Kent had a superb 37 points off an 11 handicap. Not only that but he carded a 2 on the 10th par 4 using a driver and pitching wedge which meant he scored 5 points on the hole. Then to cap that he had a 2 on the 17th resulting in 4 points using a 5 iron and a tap in putt for 2!! In his round he even had five 1's and a blob on the 13th so all in all a very good score

3. Peter Lynch  off 21 handicap with 35 points on countback and even his round had 4 1's and one blob

4. Ernie Williams  off 13 handicap  35 points on count back

5. Andrew Mitchell off 15 handicap  35 points

6.  Stewart Poole off 17 handicap   34 points on count back

7. Nigel Davies off 11 handicap  34 points.Nigel is  the new Seniors Captain.

24 December, 2015

Xmas eve golf December 24th 2015

I am grateful to Tom McGrady for supplying this report. Derek did think about playing but thought twice about it after looking through bedroom window and viewing the wind and rain! I decided instead to collect Seniors items such as past minutes and sort them in order ready for Fred in the New Year.

 Only 6 (yes SIX!) people turned up.

The six were: Andrew Mitchell, Graham Stokes, Ron Roberts, John Kelty, Cliff Evans and Tom.

The match was a tie between Tom and Ron with 26 points each over 14 holes (we did not play the 2nd, 16th,17th and 18th).

Some photos below kindly provided by Cliff Evans who indicated he got the wooden spoon!! I am sure I need not name each player!

If any Seniors view the blog today then may I wish you all a Very Happy Xmas and superb golfing New Year.

22 December, 2015

Seniors 3 clubs and putter December 22nd 2015 over 14 holes

Played over 14 holes the results were as follows: Some only 20 Seniors competed probably due to bad weather forecast which turned out wrong!!

  1. Ron Roberts  30 points
  2. Colin Brown 29 points
  3. Stewart Poole 27 points


17 December, 2015

Seniors Kitty Competition December 17th 2015. Format best 3 scores front 9 and best 2 scores back 9

Some excellent scores despite the tiring damp and muddy conditions

Winners were Roy Jordan, Nigel Davies, Terry Keen and Barry Dare with 105 points. Roy Jordan had a 2 for 4 points on the 5th

Runners up were Richard Key, Diane Dare, Fred Court and Tony Harcombe with 96 points. Diane had a 2 for 4 points on the 5th

16 December, 2015

Clays Seniors Party December 15th 2015. Photos courtesy of Don Wraight/Cliff Evans

The golf results on the day are as follows

Results of  December 15th Texas Scramble :

1st/16th Tees :

1st : Neil Sanger, Dilly Jones, Bob Jarvis & Colin Evans  27.1
2nd : Des Dipple, John Barrett & Richard Key  27.7

5th/10th Tees :

1st : Steve Beech, Peter Almond, Mike Jordan & Ron Pierce  24.4
2nd : Terry Keen, Mike Griffiths, Roy Jordan & Dave Riley  25.4

Later the Seniors enjoyed the usual Xmas fun. Photos of the day below:

Our new Captain with Rodders looking very happy

Our President Richard Key deep in conversation with Dave Riley

The throng assembling prior to their meal

Nigel Davies receiving the DonDerBuckles trophy from past Seniors Captain Colin Brown

Seniors Kitty competitions for rest of 2015 and January 2016



Dec 17th
‘9 x 3’ PLUS ‘9 x 2’

Dec 22nd


Max 4 clubs in your bag, one MUST be your Putter
Thursday Dec 24th

OR, like me, last minute Xmas shopping
Dec 29th

Thursday Dec 31st

OR, stay home for Hogmanay drinking!!
Jan 5th
ROUND 1 of 6
Individual Stableford
Thursday Jan 7th

Stableford Yellow Tees
Jan 12th

Thursday Jan 14th

Not singing, just a change from 9x3 etc.
Jan 19th
ROUND 2 of 6
Individual Stableford
Thursday Jan 21st

Jan 26th
‘9 x 3’ PLUS ‘9 x 2’

Thursday Jan 28th

13 December, 2015

News from the Club AGM held at 2pm on December 12th 2015

             Saturday December 12th Club AGM.

             The following Officers were elected:
               Club Captain  Mike Jones
             Vice Captain  Nick Lee
             Lady Captain Angela Williams
             Lady Vice Captain  Pauline (Polly) Davis
            President for  second term of office  Richard Key
             Honorary Secretary for second year Reg Peacock
             Hon. Treasurer   Eifion Jenkins continues in office
             Handicap Secretary Barry Dare
            Competition Secretary Paul Williams (ex Captain)
              Junior Golf Co-ordinator Jan Keen for 2nd term of        office During the AGM cheques were presented for Captains’ charities as follows: Total raised £6310 for the year. Cheques handed over were the final balances to Rachel Jones representing Hope House and our other Charity was Cancer Research UK. Photo attached showing Rachel, Pauline Peacock and Paul Williams. 

10 December, 2015

December 10th Seniors Individual Stableford

On what was originally a wet start the rain cleared and all enjoyed the day...some more than others if the scores are to go on!
Results as follows

1. Malcolm Williams   43 points...yes that is correct 43! Well done. If I am correct he even had one blob!!

2. Reg Peacock  40 points

3. Don Wraight  37 points

4. Peter Lynch  36 points

5. Ernie Williams  36 points

6. Harold Hughes   36 points

7. Dave F Jones  36 points

On the 3rd hole near the green was a decorated tree courtesy of John and Pauline Davis

08 December, 2015

9 hole texas scramble followed by Seniors AGM at 12 noon December 8th 2015

The competition format was teams of 3 and teams of 4.

Winners of the teams of 3 were
Diane Dare, Ralph Hardy and Bob Brown with 37

Results of teams of 4 were

1. Ernie Williams, Des Dipple, Mike Goring and Barry Dare  31.65

2. John Kelty, Brian Downes, Richard Key and Tony Owens  31.7

3.  Roy Jones, Dave Palferman, Mike Drake and Peter Fraser  31.8

The AGM followed at 12 noon attended by a record number of members (63) The new Captain elected was Nigel Davies. Derek Lyon, John Kelty, Bob Brown and Stewart Poole all stood down and were replaced by 5 new members of the Committee namely Fred Court, Paul White, Dave Palfernam, John Davies and Cliff Evans. Derek will continue to do the weekly press reports and keep this Blog updated.

07 December, 2015

Seniors medal Thursday December 3rd - Stableford

Some excellent scores carded and rather fitting that Colin Brown should win division 1 with 39 points as he will be stepping down as Seniors Captain at the Seniors AGM on December 8th. Well done Colin.

Division 1
2Brown, Colin39 pts (17)Division 1 - Winner
5Roberts, Ronald H36 pts (11)Division 1 - Runner-Up
6Kelleher, William Bill36 pts (12) 
7Wraight, Don36 pts (11) 
8Jones, Dave F36 pts (17) 

Division 2
1Dare, Barry39 pts (25)Division 2 - Winner
3Davies, Maelor38 pts (20)Division 2 - Runner-Up
4Jenkins, Eifion Wynn38 pts (23) 

01 December, 2015

Seniors Greensomes December 1st 2015

On a surprisingly warmish (13-14c) morning not many seniors competed. Probably had seen the weather forecast or doing Xmas shopping?!

Results as follows:

  1. Don Wraight and Steve Monk  60.5  on count back.....handicap 15.5

     2. Bill Parrish and Barry Dare  60.5 ......handicap  22.5

     3. Colin Brown and Cliff Evans  62.....handicap 21


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...