25 March, 2013

No golf due to snow

NO golf this week perhaps. Match away vs Hawarden been cancelled.
No wonder considering local conditions!

21 March, 2013

Kitty competition Individual Stableford March 21st 2013

Despite a cold and bitter start to the event things soon warmed up as some excellent scores were recorded over the 16 holes open. 16th and 17th were closed.

Results as follows:
1.Richard Key on countback with 37pts

2. Dilly Jones 37pts

3. Irwin Elkin 35pts

4. Graham Stokes 34pts

5. Bill Kelleher 34pts

An amusing event was photographed on the 11th hole were Bob Jarvis attempted to cut the corner on the left handside. His ball was found in the hedge unfortunately out of bounds otherwise he might have attempted to play it! Ah...there it is!

                                            Suffice it to say Bob did not score on the hole!!

19 March, 2013

Friday March 15th photo of Tony Owens plus kitty comp results March 19th

This photo was taken last Friday morning March 15th and shows where Tony’s approach to the 3rd hole actually stopped. In all the excitement Tony forgot to take a preferred lie and played it as it was!!
This news item came via Tom McGrady
On Tuesday March 19th the kitty Competition took place over 16 holes and format was best 2 scores on 8 holes and best 3 scores on 8 holes. Results below.
1. Irwin Elkin, Noel Jones, Tom McGrady and Harold Hughes  98pts
2. Roy Jones, Peter Fraser, Peter Fey and Brian Downes  97pts


14 March, 2013

Kitty Competition and Mold Match Result March 14th 2013

Mold Match away. Colin sent the following report:-
A great day at Mold, apart from the golf. The weather cooperated despite some early frost, the course was in excellent condition and the hospitality shown by both players and staff at the club was second to none.
Now for the main event, the score was a NARROW!! defeat for Clays by 8 - 2

Thursday March 14th Seniors stableford better ball pairs

1st   Fred Court & Bill Parry        50pts
2nd  Neil sanger & Dilly Jones    48pts
3rd   Geoff Morris & Mike Goring 47pts

Some photos  today below

Malcolm Williams taking 2nd shot on 1st fairway

Below waiting to tee off on the 2nd and having a warming cup of coffee!
Below guess who on the 9th tee!

12 March, 2013

St Patricks Day competition March 12th 2013

This popular annual event was this year organised by Peter Almond, Cliff Lloyd and Don Wraight who also managed to organise some lovely sunny weather albeit very cold though!
Some 52 Seniors took part and the event was followed by the usual customary meal in the Club House of stew or chicken followed by a sweet. Colin Brown Seniors Captain presented the prizes.
The format was teams of 4 with all four stableford scores counting. Only one "2" was recorded by John Kelty. The player on the day who scored the highest individual score won the Ray Mortell memorial trophy. This year it went to Dilly Jones one of the members of the winning team. Some videos of a couple of players at end of this page. Have sound on!!
Results as follows:-
In first place Tom McGrady, Reg Peacock, Ron Roberts and Dilly Jones with 132 points
Runners up were Derek Lyon, Malcolm Williams, Bill Kelleher and Barry Dare with 128 points.
Below Dilly Jones receiving the Ray Mortell Trophy
Below the winning team
Below the runners up team
Below Barry Dare driving down 9th
Below Malcolm Williams driving down 9th. Have sound on. He did not hit it very far!!


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...