29 October, 2011

Seniors events and matches November 2011

Tuesday November 1st Stableford Pairs
Thursday November 3rd Seniors Medal
Tuesday November 8th Yellow Ball
Thursday November 10th Poppy Day Competition
Tuesday November 15th Greensomes
Thursday November 17th Individual Stableford
Tuesday November 22nd Texas Scramble
Thursday November 24th Stableford Pairs
Tuesday November 29th Individual Stableford

If anyone has any questions please contact Stewart Poole

25 October, 2011

Week ending October 29th 2011

Tuesday Oct 25th Seniors Canadian Greensomes
1.       Steve Beech and Noel Jones  58.5
2.       Mike Hollins and Tom McGrady  64.5
3.       Maelor Davies and Peter Almond 63.5
4.       Ray Martin and Larry Birch 63

       Thursday Oct 27th Seniors Texas scramble
        1. Harold Hughes, Keith Jones and Irwin Elkin  60.6
        2. Stewart Poole, Andrew Mitchell and Brian Jones  62.7
        3. Fred Court, Colin Brown and Cliff Davies  63.3

21 October, 2011

Week ending October 22nd 2011

 Seniors Stableford Qualifier Tuesday Oct 18th
  1. Dave Lambert 39pts
  2. Joe White 37pts
  3. Peter Fraser 36pts

 Seniors Kitty Competition Thursday Oct 20th Format best 2 scores from teams of 3
  1. Andrew Mitchell, Bob Brown and Stewart Poole 82pts]
  2. Mike Carding, Tom McGrady and Stan Brookfield 79pts
  3. Richard Key, Maelor Davies and Brian Jones 76pts

06 October, 2011

Seniors Events October 2011

Thursday Oct 6th Texas Scramble Tuesday Oct 11th Stableford Pairs - partners swap handicaps! Thursday Oct 13th Yellow Ball Tuesday Oct 18th Individual Qualifier Thursday Oct 20th Greensomes Tuesday Oct 25th Stableford pairs Thursday Oct 27th Texas Scrambe

Week ending Oct 8th 2011

Senior October Medal (Stableford)
Played on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 at Clay’s
Competition Scratch Score = 69 (36pts) (Men)
Overall Position
Revised Handicap
Division 1
39 pts (17)
Division 1 Winner
38 pts (18)
Division 1 Runner-Up
38 pts (12)

Division 2
36 pts (21)
Division 2 Winner
36 pts (21)
Division 2 Runner-Up
34 pts (26)


Thursday Oct 6th Seniors Texas Scramble
1.       Ray Martin, Reg Taylor and Dave Riley  64.2
2.       Brian Jones, Brian Felgate and Bill Hughes 64.4


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...